
We offer language tuition in English, French or German at all levels; individual English coaching and consultation sessions for academics; and academic writing workshops.

Language tuition

Whether you are looking to

  • build your language skills for academic or commercial purposes,
  • learn about a language and its associated culture,
  • or simply just want to gain or improve your conversational ability,we can adjust our tuition sessions to suit your needs.

English coaching and consultation for academics

Our individual English language coaching and consultation sessions are specifically designed for academics and tailored to help them achieve their individual ambitions. We offer three options:

Option 1: Academic writing

This structured course explores the features and style of academic papers written in English, and how best to communicate your message. It also covers the writing process, grammar and punctuation. We will set and review writing assignments.

Option 2: Academic speaking

This course addresses the features of academic speaking in English in a variety of formats including conference presentations, discussion groups and lectures. It also looks at matters of English grammar and pronunciation. We will set and review speaking exercises.

Option 3: Tailored writing consultations

During writing consultations, we work with you to revise and linguistically improve your academic paper. We identify, discuss, and correct errors in grammar, while also looking at the issues of style, structure and argumentation raised by your writing.

Academic writing workshops

Today, academic publishing usually means publishing in English. Our bespoke academic writing workshops are tailored to your research area, and focus on the form and style of papers written in English in your field.

Workshops are delivered on request and offered on site in Germany, the UK and beyond.

Download our current Rates Sheet and Terms & Conditions.

Client testimonials: